New International Rotary Club (English speaking) in Playa del Carmen

Everybody knows for over 100 years Rotary International has been bringing together business professionals to provide humanitarian and community service work around the world. With over 34,000 clubs, and 1.2 million members throughout the world Rotary International Club is the largest service organization in the world. The Rotary Club in Playa del Carmen has been actively supporting Rotary International for nearly 20 years, and has done countless fundraisers and community outreach programs since its inception.

These chapter meetings are held solely in Spanish so recently a group of English speaking professionals have decided to start an English speaking club in Playa del Carmen. With the support of the existing club Rotary Playa del Carmen Seaside. is brand new; having held their first meeting in April 2012. Currently they are working on getting recognized by Rotary International, and there are various steps that must be completed in order to become an individual and operational club.

No doubt, Playa del Carmen is becoming an important place for everyone  In this beloved city you can find beautiful beaches, great Real Estate opportunities ,amazing tours, great food. Now, Rotary International is ready to work returning some to this multicultural community.

If you are ready to become part of this amazing city, we can help you, contact us today 



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