What is it about the Riviera Maya?

I mean, really…..

What is it about the Riviera Maya that draws so many people from around the globe?

What is it about the Riviera Maya that makes people never use their return ticket home?

What is it about the Riviera Maya that inspires people to return here, year after year?


The Mystic of the Riviera Maya…   

Riviera Maya - TulumI honestly can’t tell you what it is.

What I can tell you is that I felt it when I came here nearly 12 years ago and knew that somehow, some way, I would live here one day.  As it turned out, I was right.  When I was able to relocate and live abroad, Playa del Carmen (the very heart of the Riviera Maya) was at the very top of the list.

Now…   in all fairness, I have to say that this place doesn’t touch everyone the same way.  But so many people here have the same story…   So many people have experienced the same energy and the same pull that I experienced.  I am not alone in this – I have met dozens, if not over a hundred people, that have told me a version of the same story.  People from all walks of life and from all corners of the Earth tell me that once they visited here, they didn’t want to go back.

One new friend of mine, Lisa, was scheduled to spend a few weeks here.  That was several months ago.  She kept telling herself that the trip extension was only for another couple of weeks, but she has finally admitted to me (and herself) that she is never going back to the States.

I found this video that caught my attention….  it shows some of the amazing features that exist here in the Riviera Maya.  It won’t be able to convey the energy  that is present here but it will give you a brief glimpse of what the area has to offer…


The Riviera Maya

I hope you enjoyed the video and hope you are able to spend some time here.  Experience for yourself what so many others already have experienced.




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