
Playa del Carmen is the first city in the country of México to have Urban Resilience Profile

Playa del Carmen is the first city in the country to have its Urban Resilience Profile, which was awarded over to the Municipal Government by the Secretary of Agriculture, Territorial and Urban Development. It allows The municipality to continue to develop specific policies for Environmental risk prevention. The document, which was presented in the framework […]

Playa del Carmen is the first city in the country of México to have Urban Resilience Profile Read More »

HSBC names Mexico top country for investment in Latin America

A study recently completed by HSBC, on the three largest economies in Latin America; Mexico, Brazil, Argentina has declared Mexico as its investment local of choice. The study which was called “Three friends on a common Road: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina” major problems were cited in the latter two. Government intervention in Brazil seems to be

HSBC names Mexico top country for investment in Latin America Read More »